3 myths about language learning

At EASY LANGUAGE SCHOOL we sincerely believe that anyone on this planet can learn another language, regardless of age, gender, employment or social status.

A large part of the battle in language learning is in the mind and a good place to start is to dispel the limiting beliefs that prevent most people from progressing. In this article we explore the 3 most common myths of language learning and offer some strategies to confront them.


Many people assume that multilinguals have a natural "gift" for languages. In other words, it is believed that there is something unique about their DNA that "allows" them to learn.

Despite the fact that people with linguistic talents exist, in reality very few lucky ones are born polyglots. They are about 7% of the entire human race. Yet millions of people learn to speak a foreign language. Do they all belong to 7%? Also, let's not forget that any child can learn any language anywhere in the world. So it is clear that we all have the magic gene to learn languages.

So if it's not genetics, what is the secret to successful learning? Good focus, good attitude and PRACTICE. As they say ¨practice makes perfect¨. If you are struggling with a new language, don't be misled by the idea that you are not cut out for this. The truth is that everyone struggles. People who speak foreign languages ​​well simply have spent enough time learning. Keep going and you will achieve your goals too.


Everyone seems to take for granted that children are the best language learners. Challenge a 6 year old to learn Farsi in a few months and they will blow your mind, right? Absolutely not!

Let's see. When it comes to learning languages, children have a great advantage: they are blank slates. They don't have any pre-existing pronunciation habits that interfere with the new language. They are not going to try and make sense of foreign grammar by using incompatible native grammar.

Also, they are not afraid to look stupid. This is their biggest advantage over adults. To learn a foreign language, you need to spend a lot of time making mistakes and saying wrong things. For adults, this can be stressful. Since children don't mind embarrassment, they get all the practice they need. Meanwhile, adults hide behind books and apps so they can pretend they learn without risking their reputations.

But when adults can overcome their fear of looking bad, they can beat children with intelligence, discipline, and consistency. A six-year-old does not have the discipline to sit for several hours a day to train the language. Adults do.

That is why there are multi-lingual adults (like those on our team) who can reach high fluency in a new language in a matter of months, something that would take a child years to achieve.


When we tell people that our courses include learning pronunciation, a common response we get is, "So it's for people who already know the language?" Somehow, many people believe they would learn to speak a language BEFORE learning to produce and recognize its sounds. In fact it shouldn't be so.

Pronunciation is the foundation of the language. We are not saying that you must have a perfect pronunciation, you don't have to. It is enough to have one that allows you to communicate without difficulty. We know that when people have a very strong foreign accent, understanding them can be difficult. Also, wrong pronunciation can interfere with the ability to speak fluently. Moreover, not knowing how to pronounce the sounds well often means that we don't really know what they sound like, so when others say something, we may not recognize these sounds and understand well what's being said. So while your pronunciation doesn't need to be perfect, the better it is, the better your communication will be, not just while speaking, but also while listening.

Unfortunately, the longer students neglect pronunciation, the more difficult it is to correct it. We memorize the wrong form of the word and re-learning it later will cost us much more than learning it right from the beginning. Clearly, if someone has come to speak a language but still has a pronunciation that causes misunderstandings, no need to despair. With great desire and perseverance, you will be able to re-learn the sounds and the melody of the language. We just  say that the easiest way is to learn what the language sounds like as soon as possible, so if you are starting to study, do not leave the pronunciation for the future.

Por Tatiana Khlebopros 26 de enero de 2023
People often underestimate the importance of phonetics, they think if they know some grammar and some words they know how to speak the language. Unfortunately, when we can't say the words correctly it makes it difficult for other people to understand us AND, surprisingly, it makes it harder for US to understand what other people say. We can't recognise the correct sounds if we say them in a wrong way. So, let's start by learning the vowels - sounds that correspond to letters A, E, I, O, U. Vowel sounds are produced with a relatively open vocal tract, the air can pass from your lungs, through your mouth, and out into the world. There are 11 vowel sounds in English you need to learn: /iː/ as in "heat" /ɪ/ as in "kit" /ə/ as in "about" /e/ as in "bed" /ɜː/ as in "bird" /æ/ as in "bat" /ɑː/ as in "father" /ʌ/ as in "cut" /ɒ/ as in "hot" /ɔ/ as in "bought" /ʊ/ as in "put" /uː/ as in "moon" Note that these are the standard vowel phonemes of English and there may be variations and different realisations of these sounds depending on the dialect or accent. Now listen to a native English speaker say the sounds. Make sure you can hear that each sound is different from the others.
29 de marzo de 2021
The English verb BE has two translations in Spanish: SER and ESTAR . Not sure which one to use? Read on and find out how to tell the difference.
6 de marzo de 2021
“Do” и “make” - два английских глагола, которые часто путают. На русский язык оба эти глагола можно перевести как "делать", однако, в английском их значения различаются. Часто можно услышать, что глагол DO описывает действие само по себе, действие в общем, а MAKE предполагает, что внимание говорящего сконцентрировано на результате действия. К сожалению, не каждому изучающему английский это объяснение помогает разобраться в ситуации. Мы часто слышим как студенты говорят: но ведь во фразе "do a course in fashion design" человек прошел курс и чему-то научился, разве это не результат? Если вы тоже сомневаетесь, какой из двух глаголов использовать, и стандартное объяснение не проясняет вопрос, читайте дальше, чтобы узнать, как отличить MAKE от DO легко и непринужденно.
6 de marzo de 2021
“Do” y “make” son dos verbos que se confunden frecuentemente en inglés. Ambos se pueden traducir como “hacer”, pero hay diferencias en su significado. En algunos sitios se dice que "do" refiere más a la acción, mientras "make" se utiliza más pensando en el resultado de la acción. Pero muchos estudiantes no tienen muy claro, como aprovecharse de esta explicación. Por ejemplo, a menudo oímos que en la frase "do a course in fashion design" la persona que hace el curso aprende algo y es un resultado. Sin embargo, cualquier acción tiene un resultado, aunque no siempre es el foco de la expresion, por eso la confusion entre dos verbos persiste. Sigue leyendo para conocer la forma más facil de desenredar "do" y "make".
Por Tatiana Jefferson Rebecchi 13 de febrero de 2021
Sometimes a small change can make a big difference. Here are 5 little things you can do to sound drastically more fluent in English in no time.
11 de febrero de 2021
В современном мире знание иностранных языков больше не является чем-то удивительным; скорее жизненно необходимым. Многие компании являются международными или работают с иностранными партнерами, клиентами, поставщиками. Поэтому, спрос на многоязычных сотрудников крайне высок. Однако, не каждый язык может быть полезным дополнением к вашему резюме; некоторые откроют для Вас больше возможностей, чем другие. Читайте далее, какие языки наиболее важно изучать в 2021 году.
2 de febrero de 2021
Si has alcanzado el nivel dicho intermedio de competencia en el idioma que estudias, probablemente estés muy orgulloso de sí mismo. ¡Deberías serlo! ¡Has llegado tan lejos! Puedes comunicarte bastante bien, leer, tal vez incluso ver una película. Sin embargo, a veces sientes que te falta vocabulario, ya que no importa cuántas palabras conozcas, siempre hay otras que no. Muchos estudiantes de tu nivel experimentan una meseta, cuando parece que tu vocabulario ya no está creciendo. Si te preguntas por qué está sucediendo y qué hacer para superar este bloqueo, sigue leyendo.
1 de febrero de 2021
If you have reached the so-called intermediate level of proficiency in the language you study, you are probably very proud of yourself. You should be! You've come so far! You can communicate quite well, read, maybe even watch a movie. However, sometimes you feel that you lack vocabulary, since no matter how many words you know, there are always others you do not. Many students at your level experience a plateau, when it seems like your vocabulary is no longer growing. If you wonder why it is happening and what to do to overcome this block, read on.
11 de noviembre de 2020
En EASY LANGUAGE SCHOOL creemos sinceramente que cualquier persona en este planeta puede aprender otro idioma, independientemente de su edad, género, empleo o condición social. Una gran parte de la batalla en el aprendizaje de idiomas está en la mente y un buen lugar para comenzar es disipar las creencias limitantes que impiden que la mayoría de la gente progrese. En este artículo exploramos los 3 mitos más comunes del aprendizaje de idiomas y ofrecemos algunas estrategias para enfrentarlos.
10 de noviembre de 2020
No importa qué tan buena sea tu gramática, si no sabes ninguna palabra con la que puedas usarla, (literalmente) no llegarás muy lejos con tus habilidades lingüísticas. El vocabulario abre puertas a nuevos mundos y hace que el aprendizaje sea divertido y satisfactorio. Pero ampliar el rango de palabras que conoces es como una dieta: tienes que esforzarte un poco y no hay un truco de magia ni una forma secreta o única de hacerlo. Encuentra lo que funciona para ti, sé paciente, ponte metas realistas y recompénsate si las alcanzas. Aquí hay algunas técnicas de ampliar el vocabulario que usamos nosotros mismos cuando aprendemos un nuevo idioma. Tal vez tú también puedas probarlas.
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